So, I have this theory. What if I make it my goal to make each day better than the day before? Before you roll your eyes or click off of this page, let me assure you that I am so far from an eternal optimist. In fact, I tend to be on the cynical side. This is going to sound ridiculously trite, but I watched this movie last night called Happythankyoumoreplease.
It is about a fabulous group of people. I was so inspired. Each character was my favorite character. I think what I loved about it the most is that it is simply a happy story. This brings me to my happiness theory. My theory is that it is possible to simply have a happy story. Why not? I know - I know...bad things happen. I get that. What if we take those bad things and decide to turn them into an opportunity to make tomorrow better? I think the best line from this move was:

"Go get yourself loved."
I know that it's hard, but what if we all decided to let ourselves be loved. I'm always so focused on what other people think of me or how I'm presenting myself. What if a simple, happy story is just about loving and being loved? Can it be that simple? I am willing to find out.
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