Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Personality Doppelganger

After watching an episode of MASH last night, Gina asked which dog would be which MASH character if we were to rename the dogs (which we definitely are not doing). Here is what we came up with...

The first, and most obvious, comparison is between Fondue and Hawkeye Pierce. Hawkeye is a show-off and a womanizer. He is surly and doesn't mind making himself look good at the expense of others. Fondue would definitely be Hawkeye.

Meshach would have to be Radar O'Reilly. The most obvious reason is that Radar was able to identify when choppers were coming, even when no one else heard anything. Meesh seems to have an uncanny knack for knowing when a squirrel is in the yard, even when everyone else
is oblivious.

Denim was another obvious choice. He would have to be BJ Honeycutt. He is fun, easy going, good friends with Hawkeye, kind to Radar, and a little sneaky from time to time.

He's little, but he's in charge. He loves all of his men and knows how to handle any situation. He is good at ignoring the antics of the troublemakers but coming down on them if necessary. Tucker is clearly, Sherman T. Potter.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Bed, Bark, Boredom

I will have been on summer break for a week the day after tomorrow. Everyone asks the same old question, "Are you enjoying your summer break?" I answer "Yes! Of course!" I'm pretty sure the how-are-you-oh-I'm-fine-how-are-you rule applies to the summer break question. Nobody wants to hear that you are not really enjoying your summer break. I know that I'm supposed to skip from the classroom with the same vigor as my students, but I just don't. It's not that I want to be trapped in a hot, smelly classroom all summer, it's just that I need some sort of distraction. So far, I have slept in, listened to Fondue bark, and then sit in complete and total boredom.


Let's address issue number one. I would probably be enjoying my summer more if I showed some initiative. I could get up at a decent time and have a shower and breakfast. The problem here is that sleeping in during the school year is impossible and I really do enjoy waking up on my own without the need to jump straight into the shower followed by a quick breakfast in my car.


Issue number two. Fondue. Please see exhibit A:

Exhibit A

He looks sweet and snuggly. He looks like he would just sit around all day. This is a lie. It is a front. This is a ploy. Do not be fooled. Please see Exhibit B for his true nature.

Exhibit B

Exhibit B shows the true Fondue. I know this isn't the best picture. It is circumstantial evidence at best. I am aware of this. You are just going to have to take my word on this one. He barks his head off (hardly breathing) while Meesh, Exhibit C, tries his darndest to ignore him

Exhibit C

Again, circumstantial. In truth, he usually has his eyes squeezed shut, feigning bark-induced migraine. He is a very sweet boy. Every now and again he has enough, though. When Meesh finally has enough it results in Exhibit D.

Exhibit D

This happened during Christmas break of 2010. Meesh finally had enough and scalped Fondue. A few stitches, the Cone of Shame, and $120 later and Fondue still has not learned his lesson. This vicious cycle has become a constant in my life.


And finally, issue number three. I AM SO FREAKING BORED. Don't worry. It's a curable condition. I can do so many things. I could visit with my 13-year-old best friends, play hopscotch, draw beautiful chalk creations on my driveway, jump on a trampoline, work on curriculum planning,
walk my crazy dogs, write blog posts, play solitaire, go to Barnes and Noble, chat with friends, work in my garden, and so much more. But...are you ready for this? It's a pretty major road block. I just can't seem to convince myself to actually get up and do any of those things.

So there it is. That's my summer break. I am thankful that I get a summer vacation. This one just isn't anything to write home about. At least not yet.
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